Wie sieht das Leben von Menschen aus, die immer noch nach Freiheit sowohl in Syrien als auch im Refugium streben? Ein gemeinsamer Abend dient zum genaueren Fokus darauf und stillt die Neugier darüber. Es wird danach bei arabischer Atmosphere gerockt.
How does the life of people seeking freedom in syria and refuges look like? On a social Evening you would have better focused information that will answer many questions about it. We will also rock that Evening with arabic atmosphered music.
ما هي طبيعة حياة السوريين سواء في سوريا أو في بلاد المهجر؟
في هذه الأمسية سيتم تسليط الضوء على هذه الفكرة وإجابة الأسئلة المتعلقة بها.
بعدها سنحتفل سوية على أصداء موسيقى عربية.
Bassel Shehade: Streets of Freedom
Love during the siege
A home on a rainbow
Neshama Live Set (Paris) // Electro Oriental Syria
La6izi (HB) // Electro Arabic mit
K3sakr, MOSH, 3BD, M3skar, Horst Rider
The late Bassel Shahade – young Syrian cinematographic talent – was killed by a mortar shell in Spring 2012 in Homs, teaching the activists there how to film and edit footage in the service of the Syrian uprising.
This film was initially done on the First anniversary of the Syrian revolution 2012, but due to technical problems lost. The Syrian independent media project Kayani managed to recover the latest edited version Bassel did on the film before his death and to resolve the technical problems of the film, thus allowing it be shown to a greater audience on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the Syrian revolution. The film gives an interesting insight on the memories of different activists in different Syrian cities on the first weeks and months of the Syrian revolution. It is a compelling piece of memories of the activist youth on these days, that today sometimes seem so far away.
The film was shown on Al Arabiya TV on March 14 2013
فيلم „شوارعنا….احتفال الحرية“ عمل عليه المخرج باسل شحادة ليعرض في الذكرى السنوية الاولى للثورة، وأدت مشاكل تقينه إلى عدم إكماله وعرضه في تلك المناسبة.
وسيعرض اليوم كما هو من دون إدخال أي تعديلات أو إضافات عليه إحتراما لذكرى المؤلف. الفيلم يصور شهادات لناشطين شاركوا وعايشوا لحظات مهمه في تاريخ السنة الاولى من الثورة، بدءا من مظاهرة الجامع الاموي بدمشق ومرورا بمدن درعا وحمص وحماه والسلميَة
الفيلم هو من إنتاج مشترك لمشروع كياني للفنون السمعيه البصرية ومؤسسة الشارع للاعلام والتنمية
More than two years have passed and the Syrian regime still besieges the Southern suburbs of Damascus where a population of more than 100.000 people live until today. During those two years, more than 200 died of hunger and the lack of medical care. The remaining still live under the siege, surviving only by what grows from the earth such as grass and other green leafs and vegetables. They fight the siege and hunger through hope and love they have learned to find during the hardest of time.
Director: Mattar Ismaeel, Duration: 15:35, Produced by: Bidayyat, Year of production: 2015
أكثر من سنتين مرّت ولا يزال حصار النظام السوري لـ100 ألف إنسانٍ مدنيّ في
جنوب العاصمة دمشق مستمراً. قضى خلال هذه الفترة أكثر من 200 إنساناً جرّاء
الجوع والمرض، وعاش الباقون خلال فترات الحصار الشديدة بالاعتمادِ الكليّ على
ما تنبته الأرض من حشائش ومزروعات، مقاومين ما استطاعوا الى ذلك سبيلا، لغة
الحصار والجوع بأبجدية الأمل والحب.
إخراج : مطر اسماعيل
المدة :15:35
إنتاج : بدايات
سنة الإنتاج: 2015
„3 years ago, the inhabitants of “Al Marj” refugee camp located in the Bikaa Valley, fled from different regions in Syria to find refuge in Lebanon. Instead of finding a safe haven, they were subjected to a sudden order of evacuation on the grounds of the tents being in proximity to a military zone. The authorities granted the refugees only 5 days to dismantle their laboriously built tents, without offering any alternative settlement option.”
Director: Rami Nihawi, Lina Alabed and Nadim Deaibes, Duration: 14:14, Produced by: Bidayyat, Year of production: 2015
„بعد ثلاث سنوات على نزوحهم من مناطق مختلفة في سوريا و لجوئهم إلى لبنان، وجد سكان مخيم المرج في سهل البقاع، أنفسهم في مواجهة قرار عاجل بإخلاء وتفكيك خيمهم، لقرب المخيم من نقطة عسكرية. لم تقدم لهم أي من السلطات المعنية بديلاً للإنتقال كما لم تمهلهم هذه السلطات سوى خمسة أيام للإخلاء.“
إخراج: رامي النيحاوي , لينا العبد ونديم دعيبس
المدة: 14:14 دقيقة
سنة الانتاج: 2015
انتاج: بدايات
As a Syrian composer born in 1982, Wael Alkak is an accomplished music lover, experienced author of unique electronic music that combines genres and cultures. After graduating from the Damascus Conservatory of Music, he became interested in Syrian popular music at a very young age, practising a multitude of instruments such as bouzouki, percussions, saxophone and keyboards, demonstrating a perfect artistic mastery of music.
Driven by democratic values and overwhelmed by the frozen elitism of the art world in his country, Wael Alkak participated in the first demonstrations against the Syrian regime in 2011. As a result of these events, he fled Syria and composed his first musical album: Neshama, a contemporary collective project that interprets traditional rhythms in electronic versions, combining folk music with classical Arabic, inspired from revolutionary anthems born from pacifist demonstrations.
Since 2013, Wael Alkak has been performing all over Europe, between Paris, where he now lives, Berlin, London and Copenhagen. A spirit „born from the Syrian revolution“, Waelk Alkak draws his repertoire from the folklore of the Levant. His live performances mix tradition and modernity, where synthesizer sounds and bouzouki melodies produce a transcendent style comparable to the sounds of house or techno, inviting bodies to let go.