Talk and presentation
Talk about queer narratives, mapping and archiving. Presentation of digital and printed mappings as a (preliminary) result of our artistic research project
Guests: Rebecca Gefken (belladonna), Tarek Shukrallah ( and contributors and interviewees of the research project
Moderation: Brunn Morais
Co-Moderation: Thomas Böker
Where: Livestream.
We broadcast from the zakk.klubraum.
The Event will be mixed in English/German. For the digital broadcast, please check this webpage for the streaming link. We’ll publish it here shortly before the event.
More information about the project:
Contact us via:E-Mail:
or follow us at Twitter or Instagram
This is an invitation by the working group “Queer narratives, mapped”. Our event is organized in cooperation with the Rosa-Luxemburg Initiative Bremen and the art and culture association Spedition e.V. It is funded by the Hannchen-Mehrzweck-Stiftung.
The project Intersections & Constellations is initiated and hosted by the the art and culture association Spedition and funded by Fonds Soziokultur within the framework of the program “Neustart Kultur”.
Die Veranstaltung wird in Kooperation mit der Rosa-Luxemburg Initiative Bremen und dem Kunst- und Kulturverein Spedition e.V. organisiert und gefördert von der Hannchen-Mehrzweck-Stiftung.
Die Veranstaltung findet statt mit der Unterstützung und Beteiligung von art decolonized, ein Projekt von Queeraspora.
The event takes place with the support and participation of art decolonized, a project of Queeraspora.
Das Projekt Intersections & Constellations wird gefördert vom Fonds Soziokultur im Rahmen des Programms “Neustart Kultur”.