Majal (عربي تحت / Deutsch unten)

At a time with a lot of social distancing and after a long break, we look forward to sharing this space with you in a series of events. Hoping to offer a reach beyond emerging limitations.

In our second event on September 19th, Rasha Nahas a singer-songwriter based in Berlin, born in Haifa will introduce her music. In addition, our DJs will keep you busy dancing to their tunes till the end.

This event is taking place in the open-air in front of the Spedition and it will be under consideration of the currently applicable hygiene measures. So please bring your masks with you, read all signs and follow our instructions at the entrance. Also, remember to apply the distance rules between you and others in the yard.

*The entrance is based on donations and all profits will go to supporting damaged people in Lebanon and Syria.

*The capacity of the place is limited so come early to join us!



Izge (DJ-set)

Rasha Nahas (Live)

MONO (La6izi Community) (DJ-set)

Colonel Abu Diab (DJ-set)

Shirin (DJ-set)


بوقت فيو كتير تباعد اجتماعي وبعد وقفة طويلة، حابين نخلق مساحة ونشاركن باكتر من فعالية. عأمل نقدر نعطي مجال بالرغم من كل التقييدات
بثاني فعالية 19 ايلول، رشا نحاس من برلين حتشاركنا موسيقتا. بالاضافة للديجيs يلي حيشغلوكون بالرقص طول المسا.
هي الفعالية حتكون بالهواء الطلق و ستتم تبعا لإجراءات الوقاية من فيروس كورونا
احضروا اقنعتكم معكم و اقرأوا التعليمات الموجوده و حافظوا على مسافة التباعد
*الدخولية حتكون عمبدأ التبرعات وحتروح لمساعدة الناس المتضرره في سوريا و لبنان

*العدد محدود تعالوا بكير



In einer Zeit großer sozialer Distanz und nach einer langen Pause freuen wir uns darauf, mit Euch Raum in einer Reihe von Veranstaltungen zu teilen. In der Hoffnung, eine Reichweite jenseits sich abzeichnender Begrenzungen zu bieten.

In der zweiten Veranstaltung wird die Singer Songwriterin Rasha Nahas geboren in Haifa, based in Berlin ihre Musik vorstellen. Dazu werden DJs uns durch diesen Abend begleiten und uns zum Tanzen bringen.

Diese Veranstaltung findet unter freiem Himmel vor der Spedition statt unter Berücksichtigung der derzeit geltenden Hygienemaßnahmen. Bitte bringt Eure Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungen mit, lest alle Schilder und folgt unseren Anweisungen am Eingang. Denkt auch daran, die Abstandsregeln zwischen Euch und den anderen im Hof einzuhalten.

*Wir nehmen keinen Eintritt, aber gerne Spenden! Die Spenden werden zur Unterstützung geschädigter Menschen im Libanon und in Syrien verwendet.

*Der Platz auf dem Hof ist begrenzt, also kommt frühzeitig zu uns!


Rasha Nahas is a singer, guitarist, songwriter, and performance artist. Born and raised in Haifa and currently living and working in Berlin. As a songwriter and classical guitarist since the age of 10, Rasha has long been fostering a sound that moves seamlessly between the resonances of early Rock n’ Roll and the reckless echoes of Free Jazz, added with her very own approach to songwriting and performance. Her unmistakable sound and unique artistic identity were born and shaped in the Palestinian underground scene in her home town of Haifa; fabrics of electric guitars combined with classical technique, with a penchant for fierce yet intimate storytelling carrying bold, unabashed poetry and howling violins. Now 22 years old, with one EP out (Am I, 2016) and together with her captivating performance, Nahas has already toured and performed in Europe, South America, UK, and the Middle East, including shows in Glastonbury Festival, SIM São Paulo and many other festivals. Her debut full-length album, which she co-produced in Berlin and recorded together with her band, is due to be released in the summer of 2019 with a tour in Europe and the Middle East. „Nahas has theatricality of Weimar cabaret with added violins and rockabilly“
(The Guardian)

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